> 春节2024 > 过年有活动么英语




在英语中,通常情况下节日前不加\"the\",但是有一个例外,即中国的春节,应该加上\"the\",即the Spring Festival。其他节日都不需要加\"the\"。


1. I often pay visits to relatives during the spring festival. During this time, people gather together, exchange blessings, and enjoy meals together.

2. What do you usually do during the Spring Festival? Are there any special activities or traditions in your hometown?


- Do you have a single room available for three nights? I would like to stay for three nights.

- I want to stay for three nights. Do you have any single rooms available?


- I\'m going to participate in extracurricular activities. During the Spring Festival, people are looking forward to its arrival. We can play games, visit temples, and enjoy traditional performances.


- New Year\'s Day: 元旦

- The Spring Festival: 春节

- The Lantern Festival: 元宵节

- International Working Women\'s Day: 国际劳动妇女节

- April Fools\' Day: 愚人节

- Christmas: 圣诞节

- Thanksgiving: 感恩节

- Halloween: 万圣节


- The Spring Festival (春节) is the most important festival for us. Are there any other interesting festivals?


- The Spring Festival is the most important festival in China. Chinese people usually celebrate it with grand festivities and traditions, such as lion dances, fireworks, and family gatherings.

英语翻译翻译以下 \"你们上个春节做了什么?我们去走亲访友了...\"

1. What did you do last Spring Festival? We went to visit our relatives and friends.

2. Will it rain tomorrow? I hope the weather will be clear for the Spring Festival celebrations.

